Our Texas Ranch Home

Our Texas Ranch Home, Machine Quilting
Our Texas Ranch Home Judge's Choice - Adult
This quilt is pieced, appliqued and quilted by Mary Wolz with her own original pattern design.
This quilt represents the 115 years that four generations of the Wolz family have owned and lived on this land in Burleson County. My husband and I lived here for forty years. Our house is represented by the center star of the quilt. Around it is my garden blooming with spring flowers. Beyond the fence are my husband's cattle grazing in the pasture. Many little animals keep us company.

Machine Quilting (Mixed Technique)    94 x 94 x 1   

Quiltmaker(s) and Credit
Mary Wolz, Burleson County, Texas
original work

**ADDITIONAL AWARD: Reb Ribbon - Adult